Ice cream man from the west, meets fairy maiden from the east.
Monday, June 12, 2006
whats happening to this world.
The blind asks, does the rain fall in threads or droplets?
Feeling as though I were blind.Though I've got my eyes to see. Living in my world of darkness.All alone.
What is happening to the world?Its turning into a scary place.Somedays i wake up thinking its a beautiful place, a perfect place for us , the puny little humans. Somedays i wake up feeling so tired of everything.Tests,Exams,Love,Life.Everything. These are the days I start going round exploring places.Places away from everyone.Isolated.I guess thats the only place where I can find my place of refuge. Somewhere I can just sit back and gaze blankly at the beautiful scenery.
A recently found place.West Coast road.Teban Gardens.It made me realise how Huge our Little Singapore is that I haven't been to certain places like this before.The raindrops were fallin' on me that day.Felt as though I was crying from the inside.My raindrops, my teardrops from heaven, which makes me start feelin' gloomy every rainy day.
Probably something I would like to do before I die is to travel to each and every single one of these magical places, filled with so much peace,brimming with water,overflowing.The music of waves or just the pretty pretty sight.
"Filled with so much peace,brimming with water,overflowing"