Ice cream man from the west, meets fairy maiden from the east.
Thursday, March 15, 2007

The endless river.
Have you ever woken up from a dream and wondered what would have happened at the end?well, I certainly have.
many many times.
we all want to know whats installed for us at the end of our lives.
to live to die , having all ? or nothing at all? married? single? FAT?skinny?

well. I am a simple boy.
I would like my bike, a semi acoustic guitar named benji,a pretty girlfriend and prolly a healthy set of six pacs.(:

you see this world is messed up ya'll.
your first breath in and the clock starts ticking,
trials and tribulations,
heartbreak after heartbreak.
when will it stop?

Out the window I stare,
For only you I care,
Cars flowing down endlessly,
Still the green monster flares,
Jealousy goes round.
Gather my tears and drown,
In this endless river of sorrow.

we never know.

moving on.

Jealousy.the big green monster living inside me.
someday it'll swallow me up and take over my life.
honestly man. I have got to be the most jealous person in this entire world.
just wanna let you know lah fmfe, in a way i'm somehow still quite jealous of him.
I wonder if you were ever jealous of kk and me. hmm.

this is something retarded charissa lin yan zhen did to my bolster.
does it look like a fish to you?
I name her ,Goldy.

gel, out.

laid my shit down on 2:41 PM
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