Ice cream man from the west, meets fairy maiden from the east.
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Damn. Back to school. MSTs on the way. God bless me.
suddenly I feel like fishing, going back to the good old lab park.
Oh well.Till the next holidays or maybe someday after poly i might just go
there myself.muahah.

The match of Germany against Sweden just ended. 2-0. bwahhuahua.
but i still support ma dear ol' Brazil! yahoo.
c'mon fat ron' you can do it!

and yes. We finally Geisha-ed today.Turnout was horrible
amelia pang.gaelan goo.darren chan.bah.A rather touching show i must say.

i'm falling asleep.
Bartender, G&T on the rocks.
get drunk.get wasted.
good night.

The heart dies a slow death, shedding each hope like leaves. Until one day there are none.

laid my shit down on 10:16 AM
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