Saturday, September 16, 2006
Slept too early the night before, so I guess I'm wide awake again, grabbed a movie and started watching. I picked "Crash" out of the lot from that huge blue folder. Been putting that movie on hold for quite sometime now.
Without a doubt a very heartwarming film showing the reality of this stone cold world dealing with sensitive issues such as racism, relationship with people, and basically how we are all inter-related with each other.
How dangerous the world out side this little island of Singapore can be. A white woman grabs her husband just as she walks past two black men, showing discomfort in their presence, and the next thing you know, the two black men are pointing their guns at the couple, forcing them out of their car.
A police officer tells a couple of a different skin colour to pullover. They do. Asks for their license and checks whether they were drunk, though it was obvious they were sober. The police officer checks the woman, discreetly placing his hands in places they shouldn’t be. All the man can do is watch; a single word from him could land them both in jail.
A father who is a locksmith wants his daughter to be brave, tells her a story about an invisible cloak passed onto him from a fairy, protecting him from gunshots, stabs and everything else. He takes off that invisible cloak and ties it around his daughter.
A father repairs the lock for this Persian shop owner. The locksmith urges the shop owner to replace the old door with a new door. The shop owner accuses the locksmith of cheating him. The Persian shop owner comes in the next day finding his shop trashed, cash and goods all gone.
Not being able to get insurance to cover the losses, he picks up his gun, finds the locksmith and points it at him, demanding the locksmith's money to cover his losses.
His daughter rushes out and jumps in front of her father. Bang. A loud and sudden gunshot sounded. The father screams, the mother starts tearing profusely.
The father checks his daughter, not a single wound, not a drop of blood.
The Persian shop owner walks away ashamed, guilty.
Lucky for him the gun he bought contained blanks.
The dangerous things racism can lead to. It would be a pretty damn scary place to live in if Singapore was just like our world outside this little safe zone of ours. Keep it this way. Safe as can be. It’s a joy living with one another, don't make things complicated.
Seeing as I’m one of the minority groups I feel for them. Disrespected, Second class citizens, with their pride and dignity all taken away. Imagine how that would feel. Imagine. Then act.
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