Ice cream man from the west, meets fairy maiden from the east.
Friday, November 17, 2006

snoopy goes for a ride.

one of the most retarded but amusing stuff i've ever done.

taking snoopy for the ride of his life.

it was fun.snoopy took the plunge of about 10 storeys? with the help of a fishing line attached to him.It was the adventure of his life. Add this in the comic strips you crazy cartoonists.

And all of a sudden I wonder whats going up in that mind of mine,or rather, my heart.
at times,i go crazy.
at times,the sudden calm.
now, i don't know.
but to an extent the feeling of calmness.
I never liked talking much.
I tend to keep things buried all inside.
I keep all my deep dark secrets in me.
which makes me wonder who I really can share these things with.
no, not even you.
well,I don't even talk much to you now.
well,honestly, I don't know whats going on in that mind of yours either.
may they lie there buried,forever.

laid my shit down on 10:55 AM
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